Flourish as One, LLC



I understand that breathwork is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and I will not use it in place of any form of therapy or medical treatment. I recognize that breathwork requires emotional, physical, and mental effort, exertion, and behavioral experimentation on my part, which may cause physical, mental or emotional distress. I fully acknowledge and take full responsibility for all the risks involved. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my health care provider prior to participating in breathwork or other healing modalities. I agree that my participation is entirely voluntary and that I assume any risk associated with MY participation. Any actions or lack of actions, taken by me, the client, of  BREATHWORK is done solely by my choice and any harm, injury, or loss that may occur to me or my property as a result of my participation in the session, is neither the responsibility nor liability of Flourish As One, LLC or the trained Facilitator(s) for Flourish As One LLC.

I agree to assume any financial obligation, either through my personal health insurance, or through some other means, for any BREATHWORK costs I incur with Flourish As One, LLC OR ITS FACILITATOR(S).  FURTHER, Flourish As One, LLC and ITS Facilitators assume no responsibility for any medical expenses, injury, or damage WHATSOEVER suffered by me in connection with the use of any facilities or services WHERE BREATHWORK WITH FLOURISH AS ONE, LLC OCCURRED. 

 I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless any owner, lessor, lessees, sublessor, and sublessee of any facility in which the breathwork occurs, as well as Flourish As One, LLC AND/OR ITS BREATHWORK FACILITATOR(S) for any damages, reasonable settlements and defense costs, including attorney’s fees, that IT/she/they incur because of any such claims made against IT/her/them THAT IN ANY WAY INVOLVE ME. I agree that ALL OF the terms of this agreement, including the indemnification obligations in this paragraph, will be binding on my estate, and my personal representative(s), executor(s), administrator(s), relatives(s), employee(s) or guardian(s). This RELEASE does not extend to any successful claims for gross negligence, intentional or reckless misconduct against any particular party responsible for same, or any other liabilities that applicable law does not permit to be excluded by agreement.

I agree that the purpose of this agreement is that it shall be an enforceable RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY as broad and inclusive as is permitted by Pennsylvania law. I agree that if any portion or provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder will continue in full force and effect. I also agree that any invalid provision will be modified or partially enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law to carry out the purpose of the agreement.  I understand that this is a contract that affects my legal rights; I have had the opportunity to consult an attorney and I have read and understood this form and all its contents, and I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

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@ Copyright 2023 Flourish As One, LLC

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